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Welcome to Tanzania Agribusiness Exhibitions and Stakeholders Forum, 2023.We strive to provide you with a state-of-the-art platform to promote your Products, Services, Technologies and a unique opportunity to discuss key policy issues affecting the Agribusiness sector in Tanzania. The targeted value chains for the exhibitions are Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Along with participating in the exhibition, you will get unique opportunity to participate in a one-day stakeholder’s forum, which will bring together stakeholders from Government and Private sector. The theme of the conference is ‘‘Creating Business Enabling Environment for Agribusiness Growth in Tanzania’’. The objective of the Forum is to discuss regulatory framework affecting the Agribusiness sector as a whole. As indicated by the World Bank, farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa face the toughest bureaucratic challenges. The largest regulatory and efficiency gaps are observed on the registering fertilizer (73 percentage points), protecting plant health (64 percentage points) and sustaining livestock (59 percentage points) indicators when compared with OECD high-income countries.

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An exhibition stand will help your company get noticed, as it’s the perfect opportunity to get directly in front of your target audience. You can show off exactly what your brand can offer and boost your business image, gain exposure and draw attention to yourselves. Ensuring that you have a standout 
Exhibition Wall

 and well-designed trade show booth will draw attendees to your stand and give you the opportunity to speak to them one-to-one about your brand.

Whilst you are exhibiting you should think about having an exhibition brochure stand and giving away promotional freebies for people to take away with them, such as pens, tote bags etc., you don’t want to be forgotten after all the works it takes to successfully pull off an exhibition.

[/accordion][accordion bottom_margin=”10″ heading=”Face-to-Face Marketing”]

When it comes to influencing someone’s decision, nothing can compete with a face-to-face interaction. This type of communication is one of the most powerful and successful marketing tools and showcasing all your company has to offer at an exhibition is one of the only platforms that allows you to interact with potential customers in person.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re marketing a service or selling a new product, an in-person presentation and short personal question-based conversation afterwards can help you advertise your brand and is in general, much more effective than a standard email campaign sharing the latest promotions.

[/accordion][accordion bottom_margin=”10″ heading=”Direct Sales Opportunities”]

You usually have the opportunity to sell directly to your target market during an exhibition or trade show. The people who attend these shows are there for a specific reason and are looking to invest. Take advantage of being surrounded by people who are already keen to part with their money for your products and services and jump on any direct sales opportunities that may arise. There’s no denying that being able to speak to these people in person also allows you to overcome any potential objections and can help you to close the deal quickly.

[/accordion][accordion bottom_margin=”10″ heading=”Learn About Your Industry”]

Every industry is constantly changing for a variety of reasons and exhibitions are a great place to find out and develop further on the latest trends in your industry. Whilst conducting your own research outside of them is also extremely important, just visiting an exhibition could give you the perfect opportunity to increase your understanding of the industry and your company’s place in it.

Exhibitions can help your business remain as a key contender in the market, allowing you can take note of the current industry changes (by keeping an eye on competitors and their latest releases). Just remember rather than copying your competitors, which is never a good idea, you want to consider how you can develop further on the current trends and create something unique for your business; what’s popular at the moment, may not be exactly what’s popular a few months down the line, but you can use this as an opportunity to further expand on those current trends.

[/accordion][accordion bottom_margin=”10″ heading=”Get to Know Your Competitors”]

Not only can you learn from the people visiting your stand, but you can also use the exhibition to get to know your competitors. In today’s competitive marketing world, it is essential to have knowledge of your competitors and know who you are up against.

Always take time to wander around the exhibition centre yourself, look at other exhibitors and take note of their sales strategy or price lists and/or offers. Consider those things that stood out to you about how your competitors are working and then take on board and expand upon any aspects that seem

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and functions.[/advtext][spacing desktop_height=”137″ mobile_height=”120″ smobile_height=”120″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][contentbox bg_size=”cover” padding=”22px 90px 26px 90px” mobile_padding=”22px 50px 26px 50px” margin=”-75px 0px 0px 0px” mobile_margin=”-75px 0px 0px 0px” background_color=”#0d6e38″ rounded=”10px” translatex=”0″ translatey=”0″][actionbox heading_text=”Expand your business in Tanzania’s agricultural sector” heading_color=”#ffffff” link_text=”Register Now” link_url=”https://tabe.co.tz/register/” new_tab=”no” button_rounded=”30px” button_text_color=”#030f27″ button_background=”#ffffff” button_border_width=”” button_text_hover=”#ffffff” button_background_hover=”#414042″ heading_font_weight=”400″ heading_font_size=”28px” heading_line_height=”41px” button_bottom_margin=””][/contentbox][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][spacing desktop_height=”100″ mobile_height=”50″ smobile_height=”50″][advtext max_width=”700px” bottom_margin=”30px” font_size=”42px” line_height=”50px”]Our Amazing Sponsors
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